Wednesday, March 17, 2010

54th Tuesday on a Wednesday Feels So Right

Dear Readers,

Hello! I am so excited that I am actually blogging weekly again. This is my second Wednesday, should have been Tuesday entry! Are you as excited as I am? You should be. You know what? Since you are so reserved about leaving comments, I will just assume that you are very excited.

I thank you for sharing this with me.

Today I spent the better part of the day doing something fabulous. Ready? I love when you are so excited, by the way..its a good look. I am preparing for my LEARNER'S PERMIT. What's with the crickets? I don't drive. I function so well as a passenger that I don't particularly see the urgency. However in light of recent events, mainly my QUEST TO GET TO PATHMARK BEFORE THE END OF THE SALE, I've decided to truly get out of the passenger's seat and behind the wheel. As a passenger who is madly head over heels send a minister mister in love with a driver, I realize that being a driver can be tiring. I want to be able to tell My Lovely to pull over and take the passenger side for once. She can play with the radio, look out the window, read, feed me fries...all that good stuff. I will drive. Ta-dah! I did all the research, did the online quizzes, filled out forms...I even put everything in a folder emblazoned with LOLA DRIVES in Sharpie. Everyone knows that once you write something with a Sharpie it comes true. When I pass the written test on Thursday, I will schedule classes. I am nervous and afraid to drive, but that is of no consequence, because LOLA DRIVES (say it in a strong Sharpie voice).

This is a short blog because I have ALL THIS ENERGY today and I can't bear to sit here much longer. Don't fret, my pet, because I gave you the best part of my day. What else would you like to know? What I wore today? Green, of course. No, I'm not Irish, but green looks good on me and I am sure to have a shot of Jameson Irish Whiskey today for St. Patrick's Day. I'm sure I mentioned to you before that I was born into a Catholic family. Although I don't go to church every Sunday, I do hold one thing true....Catholics will PARTY for anything! So I guess I am Catholic enough to throw back a few in honor of St. Patrick, but when everyone was giving up stuff for Lent, I got all self righteous. Self-righteousness (also called sententiousness, holier-than-thou[1]) is a feeling of smug moral superiority[2] derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person.

I know you know the definition, but I could not resist, especially since I'd never seen the term "sententiousness". I'm a word whore.

I didn't give up a thing. I have two children. I give up stuff ALL THE TIME.


It's 3:02. I love you, but I must go. I have to bring my brand of cheer to a relative who underwent surgery today. He is great, of course. I wish him a quick recovery-though that's best done in person, so I will catch up with you, Dear Readers, later on.

You get me, that's why I love you.

Lola aka Vroom Vroom

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

53rd Tuesday Cloaked in Wednesday, Its Evil Cousin

Good Morning!

How is everyone today? I have a band aid on my finger so I am typing a little kooky. If you see a typo, don't persecute me. Well you can, if its fun and harmless. I don't know how much of me I can afford to give you today, my staff is especially chatty. I don't know what's in the air, I guess Spring. Whatever man, I just want the end of the month to get here so I can have yet another week off. This job is sweet.

Did I tell you about my fabulous birthday weekend? When last we spoke, I told you it was coming up. On Friday, My Lovely took me to Don Coqui. YumTASTIC! I could go on and on about the service and presentation, but unless you are a foodie like me, you only care about the actual grub. We started with plantain crusted crab legs. For entrees, she had plantain crusted salmon and smashed yuca and I had oxtails and white rice with avocado. The food was so good, I barely remember what we had for drinks. My only regret with the oxtails, is that Don Coqui is not the type of place where you can suck the bones. I mean, with oxtails, you really have to get in there! You must annihilate the bone! There I was in this glamorous place with these delicious fatty oxtails and I was using a damn butter knife to gently coerce the meat off the bones. Mmmmmmmmmm. I imagine that there must be some hungry guy in the kitchen who sucks off all the old tails. Alright, that was a bit much, but damn they were good.

When we got home, we got home. Alright?? Don't start none, won't be none.

The next morning we had to get ready for my birthday dinner. I'll skip all the details, but once again...the menu counts....for the first time in my life history I had a BBQ for my birthday! Yes, grill and the whole nine. It was so much fun. I thank everyone that came, which was everyone that was invited. How often does that happen? We had so much fun. My Lovely really made my BBQ dinner spectacular. I've never loved February like I love it now that she is in my life.

On Sunday, my actual birthday, we stayed in. I pretty much vegged all day. She cleaned up from the night before. This is the time when I mention that a guest to my party makes a special was fabulous, however, this guest has a bear like grip and FOR THE LIFE OF US, we could not twist the top off the beverage container to wash it. I must remark that it had nothing to do with staying up late the night before--I'm no weakling, neither is My Lovely. Even after changing colors trying to open it, her dad had to COME ALL THE WAY FROM FLORIDA to get it open. Alright, he didn't actually come all the way from Florida to open it, but he did come all the way from Florida and open it. After My Lovely cleaned everything up, we ordered food, seeing as the menu from my party was so yumTASTIC, there weren't any leftovers. Thanks again to everyone that came.

This past weekend I celebrated my sister's 30th birthday. I had misgivings, seeing as My Lovely was not coming, I didn't expect to have so much fun. I'm so glad I was wrong. On Friday we went to dinner at Cuba on Thompson Street. Did you hear about the fire? That was us. Yep. My sister's best friend gave her a gift that was bedazzled with tissue paper and the damn paper caught a little spark from one of the candles and THAT IS HOW WE NEARLY BURNT DOWN CUBA. There were six of us, counting my sister. Onset of the fire, you could totally see our personalities based on our reaction. Two kind of looked at the fire in awe, one got up and doused it with water, one grabbed her weave with one hand and fanned with the other hand, one GRABBED HER GIFTS AND NEARLY LET THE FIRE consume her best friend, and I got up with the bill and my phone and calmly informed the waiter that there was a fire at our table.

Long story short (as if I could condense anything) the staff was very nice even though we nearly charred the white sofa.

On Saturday we all went to Volstead for the BIG PARTY. Fun, fun, fun and more fun. I even had the insight to make a call when I got home safely, something I neglected to do on Friday, because Dear Readers, I can be a jerk. At Volstead, we drank, ate and danced. My sister's oldest childhood friend came and we were all weepy and crap. What a bunch of pansies! I love us. There are loads of pictures of both events on Facebook that the majority of you will never see BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW ME! LOL!

On Sunday My Lovely, her Lovely Parents, her Work Wife, McKinley and I went to see Alice in Wonderland. Awesome! Awesome was the movie and even more awesome were My Lovely's Workwife's boots. She'd been dating them for a while and finally went to buy them. They are very time consuming like a difficult relationship, but a relationship with someone who rocks your world just right so they are SO worth the difficulty.

This blog is reading more like a journal and if this is not what you paid for, I'm sorry. Oh wait. You don't pay for this. You just mosey on down here and read if you feel like it. I don't force you. I will leave you with a conversation I had with my mother on my birthday. What you thought that I was a motherless chile?

Ma: Oh. Happy Birthday. Its so nice that you actually answered the phone.

Me: Hi Ma. Thank you.

Ma: So. Are you enjoying your day?

Me: Mmmhmm


Me: What did you do today, Ma? Are you enjoying your day?

Ma: I went to church...

Me: Oh that's great...

Ma: pray for the sinners.

Me: Ah. How'd that work for you?

At that point I rushed her off the phone. My that what you do to commemorate the birth of your oldest? I wonder if I was in her prayers? Probably.

You get me, that's why I love you.
