Tuesday, July 21, 2009

20th Tuesday

Good Day Readers,

How are you all today? You all, or you one, or you four; you ALL count to me. I want to take this moment to thank you for visiting my blog. You have made Tuesday, and some Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, the best days of my week.

Guess what? You better be sitting down (preferably@work, DOWN WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT!!) while I share this next tidbit with you. Guess who started jogging? Mmmmhmmm..ME! I'm just as shocked as you are. Don't worry, this does not mean an end to my gym blogs; this opens a NEW chapter of blog. We started jogging in Florida, led by a very experienced jogger, you know who you are..and I'm so proud to say that we (Lovely & I) are jogging 3x weekly. This is our second week and we feel a difference in our lung capacity already. We have been joined by MamaLovely and Lil' Lola, each one reach one. Dear Readers, it feels so good to jog. Never mind the stitch on your side, the charly horse, the nasty little blister on your toe, your bad knee or that light headed OH NO feeling toward the end....once you reach end, it feels wonderful. You can't expect just straight good feeling without at least one or five calamities. I encourage you all to start jogging. Just go. Don't try to keep up with YogaGirl (yes! I have seen my VERY own YogaGirl, the one and only from my gym at the track), the Jocks or even the Stroller Moms. You would think a stroller would slow them down, but even they have passed me. There is something truly refreshing about working out at the park. Everyone is doing there own thing in a big open space. There is something so closed in about working out at the gym. At the park-we are united and 100% apart at the same time. Its beautiful.

OMG, did I just give a whole entire passage to jogging?? Gosh, I am so healthy. Gosh. Have a bucket of fried and sit your bleep down, Lady!

Whitney Houston in on Pandora crooning about her wanting to run to you, and that reminds me: I believe she is releasing or has released an album. I love her, who doesn't and although I was a little more than disappointed at some of her choices in her life-it is and still is her life-and her business. I've never wanted to be a celebrity. If I want to turn to a life of promiscuity and drug abuse, I want to do it in private-not with the world watching. I'm just thinking. While I'm thinking Whitney, can I tell you that I saw a picture of Bobby Brown...he looks like he ATE Bobbi Christina. He is so bloated and out of shape. Sad for him, but I am on Team Whitney, so he can kick rocks....or in his case, start jogging. I read somewhere (ages ago) that when addicts start "cleaning up" they put on weight. I will double check that before you all go and start telling everyone that "Lola said...", if that is the case, perhaps he is on to a healthier life as well. I wish them both well.

To add on to my love list from last week's blog, 11. Love is knowing when to let someone go, if that is their wish. A Dear Reader shared that with me in an email and I thought it worthy to repeat. You've all heard, "if you love someone let them go, if its meant to be they will return to you". That's true, but that has happened to me and guess what? When she returned I did not even want to be bothered. Does that mean the love was untrue? I'd like to think at least in my case, that meant that I had an opportunity to see what it was to concentrate on loving myself-giving way to the thought, that I didn't need her anymore. I believe strongly in a blueprint. Everyone has one. Your blueprint is your life plan. You don't always have a say in the blueprint, but if you follow your heart (and sometimes mind-though it be persnickety) you will find that everything really does happen for a reason. I'm on a blueprint now, and I'm so happy, so blessed and so sure that everything I have experienced thus far, both good and bad-has led me to this very place where I am now.

I am loving my life journey. I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, it does not matter what day it is. I know that my blueprint will not lead me in the wrong direction, that is why I am thankful for everything that I have and will attain. Even all this melodramatic is blueprint! Follow your own blueprint. Don't be distracted by everyone else-they've their own to follow.

Go with the current...just don't drown.

You get me. That's why I love you.


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