Sunday, September 6, 2009

Twenty-sixth Tuesday, Virus Blog: Laptop still Acting Funky

Readers, Readers, Readers,

Please don’t roll your eyes at me. I know it’s been a while but a whole lotta has been going on. I will give you the list and then tab over to the good/bad of it all.

Medical: My Lovely was hospitalized for a few nights. GOOD
Career: I was transferred to a new district. GOOD
Parenting: I just made spaghetti squash & it was a hit. GOOD
Diet: I lost nine pounds. GOOD
Love: My Lovely & I are celebrating our 2nd lovaversary GOOD

It is truly Lola Time.

Alright, you probably didn’t read anything after the medical one, because you are thinking what kind of black widow spider is this woman anyway? Send in the arsenic, right? No. It’s not like that at all. I just try to see the good in everything. My Lovely was hospitalized for some tests; tests that were found pretty much negative AS LONG AS she (mmhmm we) change our dietary habits and lifestyle. Her brief stint in the hospital and my one nighter (as company) woke us up to what we have been doing wrong. I mean, we are not 100% healthy, but we are getting closer.

Next, the career change…for those of you who don’t know, I work for the city and my conglomerate is broken down into districts. Every district is supposed to run the same but that is like saying every chicken noodle soup is the same…I was in a district that I er, liked, but now I am in a district that I love. Ok, you won’t get me trash talking on an open blog. Hell to the naw. Let’s just say that a change was necessary for all parties involved and what better way to get the party started!? I’ll touch on this more in another blog; I love talking about work.

Onto parenting…did I ever tell you that I’m a mom? I must have, I don’t brag about it, although I should because they are pretty amazing. My son’s name is Patterson and my daughter’s name is McKinley. They are named after the most dangerous housing projects in the city. I’m pausing to crack up. OMG, did you actually believe that? Not their names but that I would actually slip up and tell you their names? You won’t be pulling one of those, “Patterson & McKinley! Your mom is hurt and sent me for you! Quickly, jump into this nondescript white van and let’s go!!”, on my babies. Not you, Dear Reader, but we really don’t know everyone who reads this. Well today the kids and I had a great day; we worked out at the track and had a picnic. For dinner I told my daughter that we were having spaghetti. She sure does love the carbs, so this was a big deal. I sent her to the living room to play video games. My son is always in my armpit, so I had no choice but to show him the spaghetti squash. Spaghetti squash is the yellow oblongish round one. He swore that she would never fall for it. The way you do it, Dear Readers, is you cut the squash in half the long way, and then you pull all the seeds out, lay it cut side down in a pan and bake it for 40min at 350. Once it’s done, carefully (the heifer will be hot) hold it and rake the inside with a fork. It looks like when you play with the play-doh spaghetti maker. Slap that bad boy on a plate and pour on a little of your favorite marinara or even good ole oil and pepper and voila! It really tastes quite good, similar to al dente spaghetti. Best of all there so little calories, it’s not even worth looking up. I wish I would have made a bet with my son, because she liked it so much, she had seconds. I joked with him that had she caught us raking it, we’d just say that it was a pasta plant and that’s where spaghetti came from. Ah, we would have convinced her.

I don’t really have to go into the diet bit, but NINE POUNDS is pretty great. It really ties in well to the medical portion. I want to be able to support My Lovely in everything that she does, so we are making similar changes. We have stepped up (pun so intended) our exercise routine and made positive changes to our daily eating. I feel good and I’m looking even better. Yesterday I wore a pair of jeans and there was a little space between my waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssttttttttt and the fabric. I’ve been journaling what I’m eating and following a few tips that I’ve picked up. On thing that I am doing is enjoying my daily veggies with a teaspoon of olive oil and a healthy sprinkle of red pepper flakes. I don’t tell you this to tell you to do it; I’m just doing it for myself. I’m no food guru, but I am a foodie and I like to eat. I’ve cut out soda-including diet. I’m drinking way more water and as of Monday will incorporate one can of black beans into my daily intake. The kids and I have had so many veggies since yesterday, I’ve nearly fixed all the catastrophic summer eating habits we picked up.

Happy Anniversary of September 9, 2007 when my life forever changed for the better! I love my Lovely and I can hardly believe that I made it thirty long years without her. She is the best thing since spaghetti squash and she makes me oh-so-happy. I am head over heel, send a minister Mister in love with that woman. She puts all the vowels in my week; I love her, love her, and love her. Before her my days were Mndy, Tsdy, Wdnsdy, Thrsdy, Frdy, Strdy, and Sndy, now I wake up everyday with newfound hope, peace and love in my heart. I have to stop here Readers, because if I go on I will start swooning and getting all awesomtastical nuts.

Hey! This just in, remember my good friend who was waiting to find out if she was having twins? Well the verdict is in, Smudge is boy! I think it was all that testosterone that had us nearly fooled to think that it was Smudgies. I don’t know him, but I know his lucky parents and I already love him. Stay tuned for more Mr. Smudge updates. We can’t wait until you get here.

Hey! A little something else just in, I was to congratulate a very, very good friend of Lovely and I. After much deliberation and heartfelt wishes, she has found true love. I (we) are so happy for the both of you, you deserve it. I wish only the bestest and gayest to you, your Lover and The Blackness. I just texted my friend to make sure that nothing has changed…you know how love is. She is damn near plugged into her phone so she should get back to me by the time I publish. She used to answer us right away but that is before she fell all in love and whatnot.

Closing note, thank you Apple for my was acting up and I was about to go to the Apple store and act up, but I figured out what I was doing wrong. I’m sorry I doubted you, Apple.

Until next time, Dear Reader……

You get me, that’s why I love you.


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