Tuesday, October 6, 2009

31st Tuesday

Good Morning Readers,

I have to tell you that you are exhale worthy. I've got stuff going on, I mean stuff and its such a relief for Tuesday to roll around and I know you appreciate me. I appreciate you too.

I don't really have anything fascinating to share with you today. I just finished writing a loooooong email to an old friend. That email has left me winded to say the least. I always try my best to please everyone, but honestly that is getting tired and real, real old. The less that I promise, the more peaceful I feel. Do you know how many promises I make to myself that fall on my own deaf ears? Well if I can't even hold my own word to myself, how can I afford to make promises to anyone else?

Same for you. Don't even set yourself up. You can set yourself to meet expectations set by others, or you can make up your own expectations. Its not as painful when you fail your own expectations. You can forgive yourself. When you fail others, you work (or at least I do)so damn hard to make up and fix things that you miss other things. I'm babbling because I've spent the last hour writing and the last hours since Sunday trying to improve situations. Sometimes you need to put yourself in a time out. Just stop. Just stop. At the end of the day, its just you.

Arrrgh. This is not a blog I want to write. This is not a blog I want to write because I don't know if my spirit is here and I don't want to use you. Oh wait. This is not a blog I want to write reminds me of the most amazing collaboration ever between two singers. Way back when I thought my life was so complicated (read:teens) there was a song recorded by Madonna and Prince. I want to say the name of the song was Love Song. I don't recall ever hearing it on the radio and I'm not sure if it was on his CD or hers. Let me tell you, mesmerizing. Nevermind that I was truly head over heels in lust with the BOTH of them, their voices together was pun intended music to my ears. I wonder what ever happened to that song?

And that, Dear Readers, is how to blog. To blog is to let your mind take your fingers from key to key. It is at the very least the most refreshing exhalable thing ever. Nevermind that I get to make up words like exhalable...its my poetic licsense.

Speaking of refreshing, I have not had time to write in my personal blog, since my personal life is happening and unlike OTHER PEOPLE (1) WHO WILL REMAIN NAMELESS I have to make time to address issues that effect my life. I have to be selfish. I have to save a little for me. With two children and a Lovely, I have only but so much time for everything else. I make time to write, because this is the time I choose to have for myself. No one can take this away from me.

Alright, enough about me, what about you? What do you love about me? Challah!! Imagine if I was such an attention whore to assume that everyone's life revolves around me. You know, children believe that everything revolves around them, but unfortunately, some adults have trouble letting go of that process. You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you, whoa...that lyric has spoken to me time and time again. I wish it could be my ringtone sometimes.

Ugh, I just recieved a phone call...briiiiiing briiiiiiing life and responsibility calling....unfortunately I can't put this on hold. Thank you for understanding, and I look forward to speaking to you again. Really, the phone is ringing. Don't miss the call.

You get me, that's why I love you.


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