Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hello Hello Hello

Hey batta batta batta ssssssswwwwwwwiiiiiiinnnnnng batta!

Good Morning Readers!

I do not follow sports. I just love Ferris Bueller. If you have seen the greatest movie ever, than you don't need to even question my motives. So how is everyone this damp, soggy morning? I left the house this morning without an umbrella. I feel like umbrellas are a product of THE MAN, and it is part of my natural essence to get wet in the rain.

Easily spoken by someone who can never hold onto an umbrella. I lose them all the time. I had two great umbrellas, my YU one and one that my mother gave me. I know that I left the YU one on a bus; the other one I think was taken, VINA...perhaps you have SEEN it. When I chopped my hair done to thismuch, I bought a brown rain hat. Omg, I looked so foreign. Lovely, you may insert a "Hello Governor" here. Readers, are you ok with me addressing people in my blog? I don't want to offend you, nor bore you with inside jokes. This is why we need the reader's mail bag. But noooooooo you all can Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Blogspot, and everything, but help us all if you slap a stamp on an envelope.

JOG TIME JOG TIME JOG TIME Yes Readers, its that time of the blog to update you on the most euphoric thing since morning ah coffee-yeah that's the ticket...morning coffee. When we first started jogging, we would alternate jog/walk for 30min. I don't know if I told you, but out of the few times we had to stay in and jog on the treadmill, I was able to do the straight 30min jog twice. Yesterday, I decided that I was going to stop concentrating on the finish line and just keep going. Well. I jogged around that track three times. THREE TIMES. After I stopped, I didn't even feel like my feet were touching the ground. Oh what a feeling. It was awesome. I could have done without the odd combination of stiff legs and loose knees, but it felt good. I encourage you to jog. Really, once you get into it, you feel incomplete without it, just like morning coffee.

I have a few chinks in my armour, which is saying a lot since my armour is more like cheap foil paper. Folks who know me beyond this blog know my biggest issues. I try to concentrate on the good in me, but if you don't see the inky ickyness, you have nothing to compare the good to. Without comparison, you are in the darky darkness...hahahhahahahhaha darky darkness....I'm all Harry Potter today. As suggested to me last night in response to something I said. No, I will not tell you what I said. I have to keep some things to myself, like this rash...kidding. I am a barrel of comedic genius today.

I don't even know what has pulled me to blog today, other than the jog speak I have nothing of merit to say. However, since when has this blog really been a thing of merit? I blog just the way that I talk, which to some in my personal life may not be as entertaining in person as it is in print. I say this to say, IF you find this sort of thing entertaining.

Uh oh...a fight is breaking out nearby. In actuality it is my duty to moderate the argument, but I don't want to deal. I manage adults and it these people can't figure out a way to get along, its not my job to push them. As long as the argument does not come to blows, then I'm staying out of it. You would think I work in a prison yard. One sec, while I lean from behind my screen and look concerned........

See? Fight over!
Management at its (her) finest.

You get me. That's why I love you.


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