Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fifth Tuesday

Hello Readers,

I'm steamed right now, so this may not be the best time to blog or maybe it is. I don't know, I just think when you do something that you claim to be your passion, you should go hard or go home. I own my passion and I do it well. The aggravating thing is when others go out of their way to thwart your efforts. I'm all for following the rules and whatnot, but if you are so busy being close-minded and stuck in the same box-do you have any idea how much you will miss??

Hold on one second, I have the perfect lyric for this...one sec. From The Blue State album: What Makes You Tick, by Deepa Soul, "you decide you are going to hide who you are inside, what makes you tick..just be who you are, be yourself...you can do one of two things live in the little box you been in and be happy, you stay right there in your little corner of the world". Would the artist excuse me, the lyrics are not complete, but I imagine my readers get it. I have nothing but love, admiration and a pinch of sheer green envy for the skills and love put into The Blue State album.

Anyway, that album helps me exhale. Whew. I'm listening right now and feeling better. I get so upset because I put my all and then some into projects that interest me...that ignite my passion...I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I don't shove my beliefs on anybody. You are reading this because you feel like it, no? Do I blog in emails and then mass forward?? No, I do not. I don't pursue my interests because I feel like everyone should follow me. I'm not David Koresh.


All I want is for others to maybe make a feeble attempt to see things from a different angle. Its not that much. Really, its not.

inhaling....and exhaling...

Like the lovely, talented, soon-to-be-Mommy, Jill Scott, another mandatory member of my ipod...

just breathe

"you know how it is when they say what they say.... and they say what they say"...more Blue State for you, Change It Round by Hanifah Walidah. Once again, excuse my lyrics, really everyone should own The Blue State.

Alright, between my favorite sounds and my Lovely calling me, I've lost my inner "pissed off". This blog is changing direction, so I am going to let it go before I total sidetrack...you know how I do.

Please take a moment to look outside, above, around and under the box. If not fine, there are more than enough people to keep you company inside the box.

You get me, that's why I love you.


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