Wednesday, April 1, 2009

First Wednesday 4/1/09

Alright, alright...

I'm late and I have a perfectly good excuse. Are you, Dear Reader, even remotely interested in my excuse? You should be. Do you have any idea what size of a calamity would have to occur for me to actually miss a Tuesday? I have a few excuses that we could use, and none of them have to do with a little friend, Mr. Cuevo.

Look, yesterday, I arrived at work on time, with smile on my face...since the night before was spent with My Lovely...I was all ready to blog away. For once I did not have anything to really say, I mean, overall every little thing has been just moving on, moving on. It's 2:57pm on a Wednesday, the kids in the hall are hella loud, and I want to go home already, but as a responsible blogger in America...are you getting the idea that I don't have much for you today either? I'm sorry.

Truth of the matter is, yesterday I found out that my son (yes, there are offspring) was unable to go to school because he could not walk. Now, we being well away from any possibility of polio this day and age, should make you wonder....on some MommyDay, he mentioned that his foot hurt. I'm not one of the fantabuloustic Mommies who carry Ace bandages and juice boxes, my response was, "go to bed, it will be fine tomorrow". Next day he went to school and upon the evening told me that his foot was swollen. Onst again...but with a little love"take an aspirin, go to bed, it will be fine tomorrow...".

Yesterday I left work early to take Lil' Swell Foot to the pediatrician, who was not there....who's colleague sent us to the ER (every parent knows that's where the real sickies hang)...where Lil' Swell Foot was checked out by a teenage doctor, xrayed, and released with crutches and a boot. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that he was more than excited with the crutches and boot.

For those Mommies who carry the Ace bandage and juice box, Lil' Swell Foot is ok..there is no fracture, chip, sprain or anything of note. Apparently he purposely cracked his little brittle toe-knuckles (?), a routine crack, but managed to jack his whole foot.

I'm pleased to let you know that Lil' Swell Foot was even able to hobble his way to school today.

So that is my actual excuse. There was no way I was carrying my laptop to any grimy ER, to only find that there is not a internet connection ripe for the stealing. It would have only teased me. Since I did not carry my loyal laptop, I had no method of blogging at home, not like I really had the energy for it at that point anyway which leads me to my next excuse of WHY I DID NOT HAVE THE ENERGY...I used what little energy left to go to the salon and get my hair did.

For those of you who know me in real time**spoiler alert**I have really curly hair. I wear it all over the place or tightly wound in a bun. Every now and then I want to check its health and whatnot and I go to the salon for the classic wash, cut, roll and dry. Yesterday was that day.

It was late so I did not expect to find anyone willing to take on the challenge. Since I am not a regular at any salon, I just can't make a call and expect anyone to wait for me. The first place Lil Swell and I stopped in...the lady took one look at my colossal bun and pleaded with me to come back tomorrow. The next lady in the salon across the street was up for it and went to work. You ought to know that she was wearing a hella tight black shirt with a leopard bra. Her girls were uptohere!! and Lil' Swell and I appreciated the attention.

All in all Leopard Lady did a great job with my hair. She didn't speak the language, which was fine, because I was caught between finishing my book (Your Heart Belongs To Me, D. Koontz) and stealing glances at the uptoheres.

Thank you for reading...until next time...

You get me, that's why I love you...


Special blogout the Peds ER at guys rock...our visit was practically a field trip! Leopard Lady...see you next time..have you thought about a red shirt with a zebra bra??

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